Find your talent
right where you need it.
Motivated, hardworking individuals are ready to get to work for your business.
Virginia's Right to Work laws and the region's business-friendly atmosphere make this the perfect place to find your new staff. (Pssst: your existing staff will be excited to relocate, too.)
Within an hour, you will find a labor force of over 380,000 people, with at least 80% in prime working age.
Source: JobsEQ®,

Smart & Skilled:
employees you can invest in

Over 60% of the workforce within an hour of Bedford has at least some college education, and over 40% have graduated college with a degree - with 10 institutes of higher learning within 25 miles of town, it isn't hard to understand why.
Beyond college, however, workers in Bedford can take advantage of a number of career and technical certifications from our numerous training centers in the area.
demographic information
age breakdown within an hour of
the town of bedford

median age within an hour of
the town of bedford
Gender breakdown within an hour of the town of bedford
years old

susie g. gibson science and technology center
virginia career works central region
Central Virginia Community College provides the FastForward program for workers interested in career and technical training at low costs and quick pace.
Through Bedford County Public Schools, the Center provides high school students with career certifications in a range of fields. While the programming is primarily geared towards high schoolers, the Governor's Health Sciences Academy does offer training to adults looking to enter the medical field.
The Central Virginia Workforce Development Board provides the primary connection between two important customers - businesses and job seekers - ensuring demand is met with a highly-qualified supply of applicants.